Category Archives: globe and mail

It’s Time To Talk About Vancouver’s Best Fashion Store: Twigg & Hottie

Globe and Mail, Style Section Article on Twigg & HottieI have been a long time supporter and advocate of this little shop on Main Street called Twigg & Hottie, that ain’t so “little” any more. Since day one of its’ inception way back in 2003, I have spent thousands. (Gulp.) And I don’t regret one penny. It is without a doubt one of the most fantastic fashion boutiques this city has to offer, and let me just tell you why:

    1. Homegrown all the way: All of the designs carried in the store are MADE IN CANADA. Support local.
    2. The clothing: OMG. Unbelievable. If you are a relatively average build and size, i.e. you have a real woman’s body, you will find soooooo much to wear in this store. And each piece is exceptional, but you will also find those “staples” for your wardrobe, and more than likely, with a subtle uniqueness to them, which is refreshing. (And dudes out there – there are *some* shirts and jewlery for you too!)
    3. The mandate: Sustainable clothing. So you pay a little more, well, you’re getting articles of clothes that are helping to save our planet, that will last longer, and that feel incredible on the skin. No contest.
    4. The Main – it’s located on one of the coolest city blocks this town’s got goin’ on.
    5. The owners: Three Fabulous Women. (All fashion designers.) Who know fashion. Who know their business. Who boldly support you with their slogan, “Wear what you want”. Who are lovely and warm and helpful and don’t take themselves so seriously AND who have tirelessly worked their butts off over the past 4 years to see this business grow. And it has…

They’ve had some great press recently: featured in the National Post…. COVER of the Style section in the Saturday Globe and Mail – does it get any better? If you’re in Vancouver, you must go to this store, spend some time perusing, have fun trying on things you may not normally pick off a rack (trust the staff when they pick things out for you and give you their honest opinions)… and then go back to the store a few weeks later to see all the new stock from all the fantastic (over 50+) Canadian designers! If you’re not in this city, you can always find them online!

I am not a “shopper” by any means. I kind of loathe the process. But I could spend hours in this store (and have) in one go. At Twigg & Hottie, I actually love the whole shopping and trying clothes on experience. It does help that I happen to enjoy buying things. So, it’s pretty much the only place I shop, and because of it, I think my wardrobe is pretty top drawer. Who says that?

I’ve Landed On The Globe And Mail – An Article on Now Public By Jonathan Woodward

Me on the top of the fold!

I am most excited about this so my dad can see that I am actually doing things out here in Vancouver – top of the fold Pappy!

NowPublic is a participatory crowdsourcing news organization that is based here in Vancouver. I like writing for this news network, believe in their goals, and think it’s pretty damn cool I ended up in the British Columbia section of today’s Globe and Mail because of my contribution.

Read the article here.

Find out more about NowPublic and join the masses.

If you’re in BC, there happens to be a photo that goes along with this article where I managed to get my dog Capo another step closer to being the most photographed dog on the planet!

After thought: For those of you that DO see that photo in person, the caption reads, “a place that gave me a voice”. I think that quote serves a great purpose for one of the postive aspects of NowPublic, but that doesn’t really sound like something I would say, plus, I *think* I’ve had a voice for about 30 years or so. I know that I DID in fact say, “the public wants a voice”. Alas, it’s a great article, and pretty swell to be top of the fold with my dog :)