Category Archives: new year

The 2007 Goal List

How Do You Feel Going Into The New Year???

I started my blog a year ago this January, so that my family and friends could witness my 5 weeks in Torino, Italy. It was meant to be a kind of behind the scenes look, from my perspective naturally, at the Olympic Games and life in Northern Italia – the day to day reports and updates of my journey while I experienced working for the CBC on the world stage. I wanted to share that with them. That was the beginning.

Now, at the end of 2006, as we are all about to embark on “the new year”, and, for many, reflect about this past year, I find that I have opened up a lot of my life to the internet, for all eyes to see (admittedly, a phenomenon I find both strange and challenging at times). But I have happily embraced it for the most part and have had many positive experiences, having met a slew of wonderful people, both personally and professionally. That said, I don’t think I will divulge my thoughts and feelings on all that I have gained, loved, lost, learned… that’s too personal.

I’m not big on the whole New Year’s Resolutions thing, but I am big on creating lists and in setting some goals, both short and long, so why not do that at the start of the new year? A woman whom I admire inspired me about a decade ago to start this fulfilling ritual. I hope to do the same for someone else.

So here goes my goal list for 2007, in no particular order of importance (I like to think of #14 as my mantra):

1. Keep Running – always.

2. Listen.

3. Caution whilst on the sloops…

4. Piano – get back on the horse, or stool.

5. Play more guitar… and sing in a pub, just once…

6. Focus on what I am passionate about and what makes me tick.

7. Qualify for Boston.

8. Be true to myself. Make my choices and decisions in life for me, and not for what society says, not for other people, pressures or acceptance. A toughy, but a goody.

9. Be a stellar mum to The Capo.

10. Judge Less – never be quick to dismiss another human being.

11. Play more tennis: competition shape.

12. Stay close and in touch with the family and friends that are so far away.

13. Grace.

14. Enjoy the moment, not the end result.