Category Archives: Upcoming

DemoCamp Vancouver – May 24th at WorkSpace

The inaugural DemoCamp Vancouver is set to go Thursday evening, May 24th at WorkSpace in Gastown.

What the hell is a demo camp, you ask?

In a nutshell, it’s a rapid fire show and tell. It’s a gathering of professionals, roughly over a 2 hour period, where a whole slew of folks from different industries, sectors, businesses from around the city get together and showcase an idea, thing, project, web app, toy, art, invention, whatever, to the rest of us. It could encompass anything from a project you are working on or launching, to a mere great idea sketched out on a napkin. Those presenting will have the floor for all of 6 mintues to do so, no more, no less (that 6 minutes will be allocated to 3 minutes of presenting, 3 minutes of open floor discussions, then on to the next!)
It’s meant to be organic. It’s meant to be grass roots, analogue, no bells or whistles, and most certainly, anyone and everyone is welcome to attend – it’s FREE!

Check out our Facebook page and join the group in the fine fashion of Facebook style that we all know and love.

SIGN UP HERE ON THE WIKI! (You should go to this page and add your name to the list of participants at the bottom.)

Those of you happily using, sign up there as well.

We hope to see you there – it should be an eventful evening, and you’ll be making history by being a part of the official, long-awaited, first ever Vancouver DemoCamp. It has grand potential to be inspirational, perhaps somewhat geeky (always in a great way), and most definitely uber cool.