Tag Archives: Community

Introducing moovy.ca

I’ve been working on this project since last November when I made my first trek back to St. John’s to begin the development stage. Now, a year later, quite magically (and through a lot of hard work by a lot of great people) moovy.ca is alive – Check it out!

Thanks to the ladies at the St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival, Pattie and Svea at Catapult Media, Loc and Lu Randomlink and to all of those early adopter moovers out there now joining this online film community.

Tonight is the official launch party happening (of course) in St. John’s at the Festival, which just kicked off yesterday. I am sad to miss all the fun and festivities, but I’m flying back in a few weeks for a different kinda party. Alas, horray for moovy.ca! Below is a short videoblog created by the one and only “Babs”, the Festival’s official roaming vlogger. It’s a quirky little introductory snippet touching on a few of the beautiful sites of St. John’s, with one of my favourites near the end – ahhhh, The Duke. How I love thee.

Social Media Club Interim Board of 42!

Yes, 42 board members. Is this in the Guinness Records yet? Actually, it’s currently at 41 – the 42nd is very soon crossing the floor. (I nominate another fantastic Vancouverite to squeak in – let’s get some more Canadian blood in there!)

Chris Heuer, Kristie Wells and Howard Greenstein have been long-time advocates of social media and building and supporting community, which led to their organization they Co-Founded several years back, the Social Media Club (SMC). They have recently reached out to their community and formed an Interim Board of Directors.

I am happy to jump in with the other 40-odd very notable members at this time and I am totally humbled to be in such company. (You should see the tracks of email convos popping back and forth between this fine group of social media-ites: phew. All great stuff.)

This online over-the-internet-waves-and-on-the-ground Board will be in existence for the coming months – perhaps 6 or so – until an actual *proper* board of 12 is officially elected in some sort of democratic way down the road.

Until then, please read the official announcement, the release, the news and support this social media mecca endeavor wherever and however you can. Oh, and what the hell is SMC anyways? Well, for starters: community, sharing, conversation, changing the world! – Go forth and find out!

Cheers to CH and KW for kicking this all into high gear, looking forward to great things to come…

The Happiest Frog: BC’s Green Directory

happy frog I just joined another social network, shocking, I know, but this one is different and even a little extra special.

Happyfrog.ca is a Vancouver-born network that is starting to nurture their sustainable community through conversations, knowledge-sharing and every day practical tips, with a focus on green and healthy living.

My first go at the community was, in a word, really fun. And that’s not just because that’s what their logo tells me to do. The next word I’d use to describe my inaugural experience: useful. Practical is another. HappyFrog.ca truly is a user-generated space online, with its’ members providing the knowledge that the rest of us benefit from. It’s not too long before you can’t help but give a review or cast a vote. And why not? You’re directly contributing to your community. Reviewing a yoga studio, a physiotherapist or a park not only helps other consumers, but also provides small businesses and green organizations with feedback, promotion, and no doubt helps them generate more ideas to better serve the community.

The topic directory has pretty much listings on everything from eco travel to naturopaths to restaurants to spas. It’s all there. And rated by all of us. So it’s real.

Be sure to visit “Ask the frog” – this is a fantastic feature. It’s the site’s community Q&A – “dark greenies” can share tips with “light greenies”. (And then we all get beamed up by Scottie.) It’s pretty cool – users can throw any question out to the masses and get thoughtful responses from random users, so you’re meeting and conversing with other people using the site as well. You can also post events, add your blog to the blogroll, and what’s even better, small businesses and organizations can post their logos, business ideas and descriptions and promote themselves to the site – at zero cost.

It’d be great to get more people on the site, contributing to a greener, sustainable community by being a member and help direct the rest of the community to a healthier Vancouver: Go Green, Frogs!

Facebook App Are You Normal? Day One: 52% Normal

Ok all you weirdos and freaks out there on Facebook – get out there and take the Are You Normal? survey so I can at least seem a *tad* more normal! Please?

Here’s a cool Facebook Application, just launched today, released to the masses, that you should most certainly add and play with. I’ll tell you why you should:

  • It’s good, clean fun that’s entertaining and all about connecting with those people online you love (and love to poke fun at) the most: your close friends and family.

I’ve had a really great last several weeks. I’ve been working with the Kinzin team here in Vancouver to help market and promote this application, and you know what? It’s an easy thing to talk positively about because of what is at the heart of this App: a company that truly believes in working towards finding positive ways for families to connect online. This application is a quirky and whacky way of doing just that.

I had zero to do with building it, designing it, or even conceptualizing it; wish I had. But I do have a thing or two to do with the tail end of tweaking it, looking at what’s down the road, and spreading it out to the masses… and this is part of that.

Sign Up! Add the App! Add your friends! Let the quibbling begin!

And please, if you run into *ANY* issues, bugs, concerns: feedback is very much appreciated and welcomed anytime!!