Web 2.0 on the East Coast

Sharing Web 2.0 In Eastern Canada

St. John's International Women's Festival

I have been invited to speak in Halifax and St. John’s next week on everything and anything web 2.0, social marketing and social softwares to help filmmakers, producers and directors in showing them how they can better utilize the internet to promote their work.

First I will be heading to Halifax to sit on a panel along side Annette Clarke of the NFB and Pattie LaCroix from Catapult Media. Then it’s off to my hometown, St. John’s, Newfoundland, where I will be conducting a workshop at the St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival.

Pattie, Annette and I will be discussing the various current trends and aspects of the social web – learning how to properly utilize the internet as a marketing tool is vital for filmmakers of short films and documentaries in an area of the film industry that gets very little marketing attention and support.

I’ll be documenting my week away on The Standard, blogging and recording some podcasts from the “right” coast and watch my flickr account as well.

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