Blogging For NIKE

Last week I started my latest gig. It’s with this little brand called Nike. If you haven’t heard, Nike is hosting the greatest human race this summer. On August 31st, 2008, the world will run together in a 10KM race, the Nike+ Human Race.

Being a long distance runner for years, a blogger slash social media person and living in Vancouver all made for a good fit for the purpose of this Nike event.

Over the next 2 months, there will be a few runners/bloggers in Vancouver writing for the Nike blog about a wide range of topics to get everyone prepped, psyched and ready to run. My focus will be on training tips, injury prevention, my hot music picks and all the latest gear. If you’re running or training for the race, let me know and we can record a few video blogs to tell your tale and share more knowledge with other runners.

I also get to work with the fine folks at Organic in Toronto to get this part of the project up and “running” (couldn’t resist) – they are great people and I am happy to have the opportunity to work with them.

Follow along with all the tips, tricks, training, stories and music and get set to run with the world – read all the local Nike Vancouver articles or follow my Nike running content and let me know if there are any specific running issues or topics you’d like to know about.

  1. I read some about this at my local sporting goods store. Wishing there was an organized run in my area, but to my knowledge, there is not. Is there a way to get in on organizing a group event for a city not currently hosting one?

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