Category Archives: digital content

nextMEDIA 2007 In Banff

nextMEDIA, one of Canada’s premier digital conferences, kicks off today in Banff Alberta, and what better a way to spend a week-end than in the mountains with a whole slew of the industry’s leaders, discussing the future of digital content? That’s why I’m here. Hell, I even brought my mountain dog .

There are some incredible people descending upon Banff this week-end (not to mention, nextMEDIA is strategically placed immediately prior to the Banff World TV Festival, which begins on Sunday), so you not only get one stellar crowd, but a healthy and somewhat necessary blend of audience and participants – something of a cross-pollination… from the internet to television, or is that the other way around?

Have a peek at the speakers in the schedule and watch for some updates, summaries and opinions from the week-end here, Krug’s outlet, Kate Trgovac, and maybe check what’s already been said in the media on the media page. And, well, this next part goes without saying: they do in fact have a Facebook page.

From everything I’ve heard, if you’re into geekery and the future of digital media, you’ll be signing up for this conference for next year by Monday.