nextMEDIA 2007 In Banff

nextMEDIA, one of Canada’s premier digital conferences, kicks off today in Banff Alberta, and what better a way to spend a week-end than in the mountains with a whole slew of the industry’s leaders, discussing the future of digital content? That’s why I’m here. Hell, I even brought my mountain dog .

There are some incredible people descending upon Banff this week-end (not to mention, nextMEDIA is strategically placed immediately prior to the Banff World TV Festival, which begins on Sunday), so you not only get one stellar crowd, but a healthy and somewhat necessary blend of audience and participants – something of a cross-pollination… from the internet to television, or is that the other way around?

Have a peek at the speakers in the schedule and watch for some updates, summaries and opinions from the week-end here, Krug’s outlet, Kate Trgovac, and maybe check what’s already been said in the media on the media page. And, well, this next part goes without saying: they do in fact have a Facebook page.

From everything I’ve heard, if you’re into geekery and the future of digital media, you’ll be signing up for this conference for next year by Monday.

  1. Hey Megan… I wish I was there! I will be following the blogs you suggest so I can soak it in from here. Say hi to everyone for me!

  2. Hi Megan,

    It was nice meeting you at the Internet Neutrality town hall meeting at nextMEDIA 2007. (I am the guy that asked the last question.)

    It was nice to see Telus there participating but the job is far from done.

    – Kempton

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