Category Archives: Victoria

Publishing Your Work Online: The Pacific Festival of the Book in Victoria

I was honoured to be asked to participate in The Pacific Festival of the Book in Victoria this past week-end, and to conduct an afternoon workshop on publishing work online in an introduction to social media.

MediaNet asked me to visit Victoria to give a presentation at the festival, and to hold a workshop afterwards with the members of MediaNet, highlighting some useful online tools that independent filmmakers can use to promote their work and grow their online community and presence.

The presentation was really well received, and I know this fine fact from the number of excited participants expressing their sincere thanks and gratitude to my time, effort, knowledge and energy. To be perfectly honest, the energy and time given to sharing what I have learned and know is the fun part. It wasn’t that long ago when I was in their shoes and very new to the material, so I know when certain things are over some heads, recognizing and relating to the blank stares and glazed-over eyes. I’m happy to be able to talk to people who know very little about the power and use of the internet and introduce them to the space. And mostly, this is easy and enjoyable because I love it. A-ha! And therein lies the answer!

Thanks to Peter at MediaNet, Passia Pandora (check out her new blog!), Scott Amos, all the participants in the afternoon workshop – I look forward to your high-powered blogs!, Pattie Lacroix, Izzie Egan (once again, your story drove home such an important point for paper-driven businesses!!), Krug (we checked out your flickr during the presentation and talked about your professional photography in relation to your CopyCamp copyright story on the London pics!), and last but not least, Kelly and Meisha.

Victoria + internet jargon = good times all around!

Victoria: Marketing Your Film Online at Media Net

This week I am heading over to lovely Victoria, BC, to conduct a workshop on marketing your film online at Media Net. Last fall, I was invited by Telefilm Canada to spend some time in Newfoundland at the St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival, where Pattie Lacroix and I spoke to the film participants about promoting their work online. To a large degree, it was essentially an introduction to social media, showing the internet-curious audience how to tap into softwares that are easy and accessible to help promote and share work online.

One of the participants of the workshop in St. John’s was Passia Pandora from Victoria. She and I have continued to stay in touch since the festival, as she quickly became excited and addicted to the online space, once she witnessed the power of it all first-hand! Passia has since connected me with Media Net in Victoria, which is where I will spend an afternoon this week, as a part of the Pacific Festival of the Book.

I’ll also be joined by podcaster Scott Amos. We’ll each spend about an hour introducing some technology and showcasing tools, and then all participants will spend some time getting their hands dirty on computers, online!, setting up profiles, becoming familiar with the various softwares and interfaces and walking through the features.

Looking forward to meeting some more internet inspired creative people!