Victoria: Marketing Your Film Online at Media Net

This week I am heading over to lovely Victoria, BC, to conduct a workshop on marketing your film online at Media Net. Last fall, I was invited by Telefilm Canada to spend some time in Newfoundland at the St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival, where Pattie Lacroix and I spoke to the film participants about promoting their work online. To a large degree, it was essentially an introduction to social media, showing the internet-curious audience how to tap into softwares that are easy and accessible to help promote and share work online.

One of the participants of the workshop in St. John’s was Passia Pandora from Victoria. She and I have continued to stay in touch since the festival, as she quickly became excited and addicted to the online space, once she witnessed the power of it all first-hand! Passia has since connected me with Media Net in Victoria, which is where I will spend an afternoon this week, as a part of the Pacific Festival of the Book.

I’ll also be joined by podcaster Scott Amos. We’ll each spend about an hour introducing some technology and showcasing tools, and then all participants will spend some time getting their hands dirty on computers, online!, setting up profiles, becoming familiar with the various softwares and interfaces and walking through the features.

Looking forward to meeting some more internet inspired creative people!

  1. Hey MEGAN! What a great email to come home to! Wow–your web site looks awesome and it certainly feels like success is landing in your pockets!! Great picture of YOU by the way. I had a chuckle.
    I saw all that you’re doing on Saturday and you are gonna be one busy lady!! BUT I’m sure we’ll meet. I’ll have a sneak peek when I get a chance–during a five-minute down-time because every other minute will be THRONGS of people buying my book, sharing stories, and feeling the love… positive/believe/success!!
    I’m at table #23 {back wall} and I’m doing a reading at 4! It would be awesome if you’re not exhausted to come and listen.
    One of my dreams/goals is to get into on-line podcasting, renting radio space and doing mock interviews or the real deal… who knows where our paths will join. How exciting! I always feel so honoured when someone takes the time to say something wonderful. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, one way or another.
    “Break a leg” and have a great show!!
    Cheers for now,

    PS: Yeah, I love the passport image as well. Okay, my ego is jumping in but it’s only a picture so… I thought it would be cool to have the passport photos of the me-time within my book. I couldn’t believe how many passports I had and that wasn’t all of them! I’m a gypsy I guess.

    Okay, it’s late so we have to get our rest and calm happening before the curtain goes up for the show!! I feel like such a Drama Queen tonight–I just want the whole experience to be totally farout!!

    All I have to do now is a little more practice on my reading; it’s funny how much energy goes in to a one day event! Makes one think doesn’t it….
    Good nite and we’ll see you in two sleeps!

  2. davidpettigrew

    Hi Megan – Thank you so much for the talk and workshop at MediaNet on Saturday in Victoria. I found your talk really quite inspiring. What I thought was interesting was that the naysayers at your talk didn’t come to the workshop to learn more and interact with the community.

    Now I’m blogging and I’ve learned a lot in the last few days of entries. One question (of many)- I’ve been reading the WordPress FAQs but I can’t figure out why my Tags won’t remain displayed on my page once I enter them and click Add. Any suggestions? Take care and thanks again!

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